Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Photon: Lo vi llorando

Yo lo vi llorando, justo cuando el piano cayó en su cabeza y en un instante de aquellos en los que nacen universos y en los que caen imperios, se dio cuenta que su verdad estaba ahi, hecha pedazos, mezlcada entre la madera y la pintura y el marfil y el lodo y los orines de perro, siempre habia estado ahi, donde nunca la quiso buscar.

lo vi llorando, pero no como lloran los niños cuando tienen hambre, o como lloran los perros cuando llueve y se encuentran afuera, sino como lloran los hombres que han sido despojados de su dignidad, como lloraron las mujeres cuando los soldados de Herodes las despojaron de sus hijos para asesinarlos.

Asi lo vi, y le pregunté por qué lloraba, pero la razón de su llanto iba mas allá de él, lloraba desde afuera, no desde adentro, lloraba con el mundo, con el peso de la historia y el agujero de ozono que tenia en su pecho dejaba salir su llanto ultravioleta, asi como caballos a galope, como abejas africanas.

Lo dejé llorando, mientras de su llanto generaba galaxias y constelaciones, universos donde podia irse a llorar solo, sin que nadie le preguntara la razón...

Friday, November 18, 2005

Wouldn't you believe how, in the middle of so many desillusions and disappointments, when you think you have lost your capacity of dreaming and hoping, something so simple, so trivial, can suddenly bring you back to dream again, if only for a second, of a higher ideal, something you owned precious when you were a little child, and somehow got lost in the way of becoming what you are today?

This morning I watched the trailer for the new Superman movie that is coming out next year. Yeah, you know where Im going right? ;o) before you go away, give me a chance to explain.

I was barely 6 years old when the first Superman movie came out back in 1978, and I remember I would stop doing whatever it was I was doing and RUN to the TV whenever I could hear they were showing the movie trailer. There was just something in watching a man fly around in a red cape that I still don't understand and that captivated me so much. Something glorious, something godly.

When I watched the trailer unfold, I immediately recognized the beautiful music John Williams wrote for the original movie, all those emotions flew (no pun intended) right back to me, and I started humming to the music.

Call me whatever you want, but I suddenly recognized the emotions I felt when I was 6, and my heart was happy.

I mean c'mon, there it was again! the same man flying in a red cape. And there it was, the same child still watching in genuine awe... again

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Photon: Untamed

Once the spirit is tamed, could it possibly be untamed?
yes, you can teach a tiger how to forget its fear of fire and jump through flaming hoops but can you teach him how to forget? how to be wild again?
is the tiger thankful because a man taught him how to overcome his fear? or was his fear of fire only replaced by a new one: the fear of man?

(illustration by Yoshitaka Amano)

Monday, October 03, 2005

Photon: Adoptive Mother

Erika, why do you keep aborting me? I feel like I'm nothing but a foreign tissue on your womb and you keep rejecting me. Why am I not allowed to develop, to grow, to set my tired veins into you and eventually be born?

What type of mother are you, that only have eyes for your own children? I fell on your nest I know, by accident, but Im not feeding on your children, Im not the cuckoo's egg. I love your children as well as I love you.

Your breasts are full of milk, proud, wealthy mother of beautiful sunsets and foggy cold mornings, so much for you to give and so much sweat, love and admiration for me to offer and yet you won't see me as your son.

Friday, July 08, 2005

first post in this Blog!!! yay!! too bad I cannot write anything really interesting, except I gotta go buy some milk