Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Goodbye J

Waiting for you I feel like a thirsty tree that lives 5 foot from the river. So close and yet so far. Yes, you never asked me to wait but, my dear foolish, I have been waiting for you anyway.

Waiting for you to cross that line that eventually became a noose, and that I put myself around my neck, not knowing when or why.

Waiting for you is like watching the china fall from the cupboard during an eartqueake, crashing on the floor one after another. And yet you never made any promises.

Waiting for you is like waiting for the sea to dry so I can walk to the other shore because Im afraid to swim.

I'm buried too deep into the sand already my dear, I can't wait any longer.

So here's the key to unlock the chains than bound yourself to me. Chains I made out of an amalgam of love and fear and hope.

You wore the chains, but you were always free, and I was always the prisoner.

Goodbye J

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