Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The sea inside

I watched the movie The Sea inside last night. What a beautiful piece of work from Alejandro Amenabar. Im so glad that even after working with big hollywood names such as Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman ( He directed her in The Others ), Amenabar can still manage to keep such an indie film taste to his movies. Also, it was an amazing performance for Javier Bardem, its incredible how convincing he is portraying the main character.

The story in The Sea Inside (which is by the way, based in a true story) is truly touching, at least it was for me. What is the worst prison a man can have? his own body. Ramón wants the get the legal right to take his own life, after 28 years of living as a quadraplegic, after an accident while he was diving into the sea's shallow waters. At first, I was optimistical and thinking to myself "hey man, life is worth living, no matter what" and all that crap.

But by the end of the movie I ended up sympathizing with his reasons. It was his choice. "Life is a right, not an obligation" - he said.

In many ways he was still free from his prison. He could still use his mind to jump out his window and fly to the sea he loved so much: "The sea gave me my life and it also took it away".

After finishing the movie I ended up rethinking my question. So what is the worst prison a man can have? his own mind. You might not be able to change your body, but there's no excuse to not changing your mind.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I'v been wanting to see that film since I first heard about it.. It looked like it would be amazing... I think I will have to now.